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Cerina W
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Hello everyone! I am your teacher Cerina Wang and I am from New York in the USA. I have a master degree in MBA from St. John's University in New York. I am a teacher and also a mommy. I have a daughter who is just like your age. I would like to share with my many fun stories and songs. We are going to have lots of fun in the class. Cerina has lots of exciting news to share with you. Come and enjoy my session. I will see you soon. 大家好,我是从纽约来的Cerina. 我己经有十年的教学经验了。我的专长是指导初学者及中级的孩子。而我本身也是一位八岁孩子的母亲。我的硕士主修是英文及商业。我很喜欢线上教学,特别是和孩子互动唷。来到我的课堂,您会感到有趣和新鲜,因为我会将最新潮的英文教给您。您会和我像朋友一样聊天分享。我期待着您的到来。欢迎和Cerina一起上课,一起享受快乐的故事歌曲飨宴吧